Hey beautiful welcome to Lady Fit, I am so excited that you found me!

After teaching for five years in a rec center decided that Lady fit studio needed to be born. I figured girls just like me struggled with their body, self worth and confidence. If this resonates with you and you need a girl game to join up with to help you loose weight and help with finding yourself again, Lady Fit is here for you.

Lady fit is one size doesn’t fit all and that is truly what I believe.

Want to try lady fit virtual for four days before paying? Now you can here! Get access to virtual classes to do at your own time! MUST cancel before day 2

5 easy ways to workout at home and enjoy it 

It’s a new year new me, right? WRONG! New year same you just maybe better focus. Maybe a better balance. Maybe even better handle on life. Because you don’t need a new you, you are amazing, we all just need to work on certain things for me…I need a balance in work life mom and wife. For others it’s making time for those workouts! 

So here’s my top 5 ways to workout at home and enjoy it! 

1. Find what you like if it’s dancing make a playlist that keeps you moving! Find virtual classes that keep you excited! (Yes I offer those but so many out there too). If its Yog find an amazing video to follow on youtube or find a local class thats virtual. 

2. Set a time. Write it down in your planner or in your google calendar have a set time and days. One of the most important and make sure you see it daily. This is a meeting with yourself girl. 

Rather it’s before the kids get up or once they are sleep. Rather it be during your lunch break get a 30 min walk in. Everyone’s days are different so what works for you! 

3. Have a space in your house. This is huge. If it’s yoga you need a quiet space. Rather it’s bootcamp you need a place for your weights. Dance cardio have enough space to move. Set it up to make you excited to want to workout. 

4. Make sure your partner, kids, work know this is your time. Rather it be 20 min or 60. You need this kid free no work emails or text saying mom I need. Make it known hang a sign on the door I’m sweating and happy give me a minute. 

5. And lastly super important once you have the space. Have the workout set. Have the kids being watched or hubby knowing I need this don’t you dare feel guilty for asking for your time for your goals. 

If these help don’t forget to save this pin and share away for more ladies to hit goal this year!

Join me for a 5 minute workout!

don’t forget to check out my youtube channel! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCroj6O04fERQMey15IfRZrg